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Aerator Testing & Commissioning
Apple juice processing
Apple pommace after pressing
Biological treatment - Activated Sludge aeration
Groundwater Monitoring Bore Drilling
Hahn B-triple rig
Installation of Secondary Clarifier
Raw Wastewater & Treated Effluent
Raw winery wastewater after gross-solids screening
Reclaimed Water Re-use - Birdwood SA
Screening & De-watering
Site Contamination Assessment Field Sampling
Sludge Thickening & Dewatering Equipment
Soil Survey - Land Capability Assessment
Soil Testing - Teflon Core Sheath
Treated effluent discharge from secondary clarifer
Treated effluent to storage dam for re-use
Wastewater Pumping Station
Wastewater solids & sludge processing plant
Winery Wastewater Inflow

Environmental Consulting Services

Environmental Engineering & Science for Industry and Government

Specialists in Treatment, Re-use and Recyling of Wastewater

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Wine Industry
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The Clean & Green image of Australia and much of its agricultural products provides a significant marketing advantage which many Australian wine companies are using in the export promotion of their products. Some European and Scandinavian countries are using information relating to the environmental credentials of potential suppliers to guide their purchasing decisions.

As environmental and sustainability issues become more important both nationally and internationally, environmental impact and waste management issues require increasing attention and active engagement. Land Energy can provide the experience and expertise at the individual winery or the corporate strategic level to achieve sustainable environmental management of all aspects of winery and vineyard development.

Land energy has worked with a range of wineries of all sizes from the majority of wine producing areas of Australia. Our experience covers a broad spectrum of services ranging from advice and guidance in the early stages of planning, through to the design, development, project management and implementation of environmentally and economically sustainable, waste and natural resource management systems.

Whether a winery crushes 100 Tonnes in the Yarra Valley or 200,000 Tonnes in the Riverland, Land Energy can provide services relating to any aspect of water resources, wastewater management and environmental management. From systems which involve minimal wastewater treatment and application to a dedicated receiving-site, through to state-of-the-art wastewater treatment systems producing a high quality re-useable water resource, our objective is to design and implement a cost-effective and technically appropriate solution suited to the respective region and to the individual characteristics of the winery operation.

Our personnel have extensive experience in the Australian wine industry spanning more than ten years, and in all the mainland states. We are in continuous contact with the relevant State and Territory regulatory agencies, which ensures that we are aware of the latest developments in regulations, monitoring, reporting and compliance issues.